jeudi 2 février 2017

Handmade Tuareg mats

The most passionate people among you will fall in love with this totally amazing very old rug , it has specific vintage spots from nomad family use , i guess thats the charm of this kind of rugs
This Reed mats from the Tuareg tribes of Mauritania, is beautifully decorated with stitched straws and camel embroidered kind of leather .

Mauritania is a country of cultural and ethnic diversity. Arabic-speaking Moors comprise the largest group of about two-thirds of the population. 
Among Moors, there are two major subgroups: White Moor (Bidan), an Arab-Berber group that worked traditionally as herders, traders, and oasis farmers; and Black Moor (Haratine), the descendants of freed tributary and slave groups who practiced extensive dry land agriculture and herding.

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